Brand New Blog: Bowls Full of Yummy

What am I doing here? Well, I’m writing a post for a blog I’m starting…..about food…..and things…..but other than that, NO idea. I really just want to share yummy things with others. I’ll be sharing recipes and (really bad, taken with my camera phone) photos of (mostly) gluten free (henceforth known as GF) foods, and talking about other things that fill up my life, like family, living frugally, and looking for a job. I will not be posting very often at first….I figured out in the process of looking into hosting a blog, that I am very old and do not know as much about computers as I thought I did, so it’ll be slow-going until I get this stuff figured out. Plus, I can be lazy and unless I have people beating my door down for another post, I’ll just be going at my own pace. I love commas, parenthesis, and punctuation in general, so you’ll be seeing WAY too much of those probably. I refuse to change, punctuation makes me happy. I try to be as grammatically correct as I can when writing (not stuffy, just easy to read), but I’ll be keeping it conversational (conversations with my computer? Maybe someone will write back!?), and speaking of conversations, no nasty comments, please! Nobody’s perfect and everyone’s different so we’ll just be living and let-living around here! Check out my “About Me” page too…… soon as I write it. I welcome suggestions and comments (this will be easier once you figure out what this blog and I are all about). So, that was it: my very first, and very short, post for my new blog, Bowls Full of Yummy. Cute name, right?

UPDATE 03/23/14: So apparently I’m not super old like I made myself sound in this post…silly me. I’m somewhere in my 30’s, so that should clear things up :). But I still don’t know a darn thing about HTML or PPwhatever or anything. I can barely figure the simple blog stuff out. That’s okay though, I’ve already learned a ton since I started (like I updated the theme and colors of the blog…and actually wrote another post) so I know i’ll just keep trying and learning.

© 2014 Bowls Full of Yummy. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Bowls Full of Yummy with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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